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Nonpartisan Voting Options

In Nebraska law, the term Nonpartisan describes voters as well as elected offices.

  • Nonpartisan voter: An individual who registers to vote with no affiliation to a political party recognized in Nebraska. These voters are sometimes referred to as Independent.
  • Nonpartisan office: An elective office where candidates are not required to be members of a political party.

Statewide Primary Elections

Closed Primary

Because Nebraska has Closed Primary Elections, voters who are registered with a political party affiliation may vote only for that party's candidates for partisan offices. Nonpartisan voters may not vote for candidates for partisan offices, beyond Congressional representatives, unless political parties open their full partisan ballot to nonpartisan voters. Each state political party makes this determination in early March prior to every Statewide Primary Election.

Voting Options

In Statewide Primary Elections, voters registered as Nonpartisan:

  • May vote for candidates for nonpartisan offices (Legislature, Utilities (MUD and OPPD), Board of Education, Learning Community, Natural Resources District, Regional Metropolitan Transit Board, etc.).*
  • Upon request, may vote for representatives in Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) from one political party of their choice.*
  • OR
  • Upon request, may vote for candidates for partisan offices (Senate, House of Representatives, President, Governor, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, County Board, County Attorney, County Clerk, etc.) from one political party of their choice that opened its full partisan ballot to Nonpartisan voters.*

* All voters, regardless of political party affiliation, may vote for nonpartisan offices based on their registered address and are up for election in the current election cycle.

Registration Deadlines

Nonpartisan voters wishing to change their party affiliation prior to a Primary Election must re-register to vote by the following dates:

  • Third Friday prior to Election Day: Deadline to re-register by online, by mail, by agent, at the DMV or other agencies
  • Second Friday prior to Election Day: Deadline to re-register in person at the election office
