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Voter Identification

During the November 8, 2022 General Election, Nebraska voters voted in favor of Initiative Measure 432 requiring that voters present valid photographic identification before casting a ballot. On June 1, 2023, the Governor signed LB514 into law, which establishes voter identification (ID) requirements for elections in Nebraska.

The first election requiring voter ID will be the May 14, 2024 Statewide Primary Election.

Reasonable Impediment Certification

A RIC (Reasonable Impediment Certification) is a form that can be completed instead of presenting an acceptable form of photo ID.

Reasonable impediments are:

  • Inability to obtain an acceptable form of ID due to:
    • Disability or illness
    • Lack of birth certificate or other required documents
  • Religious objection to being photographed.

In the coming months, our website will be updated with additional content. For more information, please visit the Nebraska Secretary of State's website.