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The Election Commission provides maps for candidates, campaigns, the general public, and various organizations. Maps can be printed with a number of different options and can be purchased at any time. The turnaround time for a map is three to four business days; however, that may vary.

Map Options

  • Default Options
  • Precincts
  • Streets
  • Other Options
  • Countywide
  • Polling Places (adding polling places to any non-county wide map costs an additional $25.00)
  • Specific Political Districts (e.g. County Commissioner, Legislative District, etc.)
  • Specific Political Subdistricts (e.g. County Commissioner District 8, Legislative District 50, etc.)
  • Maps are also available to view for free on our website.


Maps can be ordered in two sizes, 22" x 36" (Medium) and 36" x 56" (Large). Medium maps cost $25.00, and large maps cost $40.00. Adding polling places to any non-county wide map costs an additional $25.00. Maps can be paid for with cash or check.

Ordering Information

Orders can be placed by contacting the Election Commission.