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Cancelling Voter Registration

A voter registration may be cancelled for one of the following reasons:

  • Voter is deceased.
  • Voter requests removal of name. (Requires voter's signature or mark)
  • Voter has moved out of Douglas County. (Requires voter's signature or mark)

If a person would like to cancel a voter registration, they can print a Voter Cancellation Form and mail, fax, or email it to the Election Commission.

If a person is unable to print a Voter Cancellation Form, they can send in a request that must include:

  • Voter's name
  • Voter's date of birth
  • Voter's registered address
  • Reason for cancelling the voter's registration (see reasons listed above)
  • Signature of person making the request
    • Note: Voter must sign or make their mark, unless the reason for cancellation is that the voter is deceased.
  • Signer's relationship to voter
  • Date request was made