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Redistricting 2021
All Nebraska counties, including Douglas, are evaluating voting districts in 2021 based on 2020 Census data.
“Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a census to determine the number of people living in the United States as required in the United States Constitution, Article 1, Sections 2 and 9. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the census in years ending in zero, on Census Day, which is April 1.” [Source: census.gov]
“Redistricting is the redrawing of election boundary lines for political, administrative, or other public bodies that elect its membership by district. This includes but is not limited to congressional representatives, state representatives, local town and county councils, commissions, schools boards, and many other offices elected by voters in districts.” [Source: RedistrictingOnline.org]
“Precinct shall mean a defined area established by law within which all registered voters cast their votes at one polling place.” [Source: Nebraska Revised Statute § 32-114] Generally, voters within the same precinct live within the majority of the same political subdivisions.
“Shall include villages, cities of all classes, counties, school districts, learning communities, public power districts, and all other units of government …” [Source: Nebraska Revised Statute § 13-903(1)]
Smaller adjustments made to voting precinct boundaries on an ongoing basis to accommodate political subdivision boundary changes and growth.
“The election commissioner shall designate the polling places for each precinct at which the registered voters of the precinct will cast their votes. Polling places representing different precincts may be combined at a single location when potential sites cannot be found, contracts for utilizing polling sites cannot be obtained, or a potential site is not accessible to handicapped persons as provided in section 32-907.” [Source: Nebraska Revised Statute § 32-904]
Nebraska Legislature received data from the US Census Bureau
Nebraska Legislature convened a special session to address redistricting
County election offices will receive revised congressional and legislative boundaries from Nebraska Legislature and will begin adjusting precinct boundaries
* Precincts cannot cross legislative boundaries
* Voter participation in elections (turnout) influences precinct boundaries rather than population. “The precincts shall contain not less than 75 nor more than 1,750 registered voters based on the number of voters voting at the last statewide general election …” [Source: Nebraska Revised Statute § 13-903(1)]
Political subdivisions receive precinct boundaries from county election offices
County election offices receive revised boundaries from political subdivisions
* After all political subdivision boundaries are received, election offices begin assigning polling places and voters to precincts
Individuals may begin filing as candidates for offices up for election in 2022
Early February 2022
Updated political subdivision districts available at www.votedouglascounty-ne.gov → Find Your Voting Information
Early March 2022
2022 polling places available at www.votedouglascounty-ne.gov → Find Your Voting Information
Late March 2022
Voter Information Cards (yellow postcards) containing a voter’s polling place and political subdivision districts will be mailed to all Douglas County voters who are registered at their current address.
Statewide Gubernatorial Primary Election
When selecting polling places, all possible buildings within a precinct are evaluated for several factors including:
- Number of registered voters and anticipated turnout
- Accessibility
- Adequate interior space and parking
- Willingness to fulfill the responsibilities of a polling place long-term
- Location within the precinct
Polling place assignments are reviewed at the beginning of each election year. The goal is to continue using as many polling places as possible for voter convenience. Douglas County typically uses approximately 215 buildings as polling places for statewide elections.
In a typical election year, changes affect an average of 7 to 10 percent of polling places (15 to 22 buildings). Changes occur for multiple reasons including:
- Growth
- Annexation
- Building being temporarily unavailable due to construction or scheduling conflict
- Changes in building ownership
- New building becomes available that will offer a better voting experience
- COVID-19 significantly impacted the availability of some buildings to serve as polling places
Redistricting results in additional reasons for polling place changes. For example, changes in precinct lines (due to redistricting) change the composition of voters within the precinct. Some of a precinct’s voters may be assigned to the same polling place, while others assigned to a new precinct will have a new polling place. Each voter’s situation depends upon their address and where the new boundary lines are drawn.
32-553 Political subdivision; redistrict; when; procedure
32-903 Precincts; creation; requirements; election commissioner or county clerk; powers and duties